Factory council in Italy: an organ similar to Betriebsrat in Germany

Workers’ well being and their problems are similar in all the countries across the globe. No country has special provision made for the workers. They have to struggle to get their piece of profit in the organization where they spent major portion of life and yet are left high and dry. This injustice was acknowledged long ago and the nod was given to form unions to protect the rights and safeguard the interests of the workers and employees. All over the world these workers councils are formed and are in place for performing their duties. In Italy they are known as factory council. They have similar functions like that of Betriebsrat in Austria and Germany.

It is a movement of Italian workers in favor of the creation of factory councils or Betriebsrat to act as organs of the proletariat’s struggle for power. It begun with the initiative of the Ordine Nuovo group, this movement was carried out in 1919 and 1920, under the conditions of a revolutionary upsurge. The tasks of the factory councils included not only defending the interests of labor but also establishing workers’ control over production and organizing the proletariat’s mass struggle for political power. The first Betriebsrat appeared at units in Turin and thereafter they rapidly acquired considerable influence overall Italy. Betriebsrat gained its due importance very rapidly and became one of the most evident elements in the industry.

Their influence was particularly evident during the general political strike in northern and central Italy on Dec. 2–3, 1919. In March 1920 the metalworkers of Turin went on strike in defense of the rights of the factory councils against the attempts of the Confederation of Industrialists to abolish the councils; in April the entire proletariat of Turin joined the strike, along with 500,000 industrial and agricultural workers of the Piedmont region. The leaders of the Italian Socialist Party and the General Confederation of Labor outright rejected to support the movement which was carried out on a nationwide scale; however the strike ended in defeat. The rights of the factory councils were curtailed, and the councils were deprived of their control functions. During the movement in September 1920 the factory councils played a vital role to take over the factories, especially in Turin. After the fascists assumed power in 1922, however, the councils were dissolved. This is the rise and set of the factory councils in Italy.


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